Why is the transformation of education important? Discover 7 reasons!

Why is the transformation of education important? Discover 7 reasons!

Adjusting digital education to new generations

Imagine that suddenly the Internet and all the technology that previously allowed us to enjoy it disappear from our lives. Once again having to use the traditional pen to paper, and search for documents in literal archives. Our day-to-day is no longer occupied with creating and presenting a series of slides to our bosses. There will not be the option of paying for groceries with our phones, and online stores have ceased to exist. This prospect seems completely unrealistic. So why has the digital age taken over every aspect of life, except education? The digital shortage starts as early as kindergarten, continues in primary and secondary schools, and ends in universities. How, then, are we to prepare a professional workforce that is proficient in technology if the education system is still analog?

The most vital creators of change today, in the educational sector are textbook publishers, which are used as study materials for students. It is all about the work you put in when creating educational materials that ensure that students at every level acquire knowledge. We know how much of a challenge it must be to have this responsibility, especially in the age of digital transformation

So let’s think about why this transformation of education towards digital is so important.

  • The analog world is no longer a natural environment for young people. Being the “technology native” generation, they feel more comfortable in the digital world. In addition, from the very start of their educational journey, they are being prepared for work that is now dominated by technology…..

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