EDUtech Asia 2023, Singapore8-9 November 2023
Visit our experts during Asia’s largest conference and exhibition of EdTech providers.
Visit our experts during Asia’s largest conference and exhibition of EdTech providers.
Visit our experts and discover our cutting-edge technologies and services tailored for K-12 publishers.
Meet your reliable EdTech partner in digital transformation.
Taking advantage of the London Book Fair, the Educational Publishers Forum had its quarterly meeting in the UK, gathering representatives from all over the world.
On 27-28 February 2023, our expert participated in the working group meeting, gathering key EdTech publishers from the European Union.
We hosted the annual meeting of the EEPG organization. Watch the highlights and leading EdTech solutions.
Get the highlights from one of the world’s leading EdTech fairs in 2023 – the British Educational Training and Technology Show.
Finalists and winners for The EdTech Awards 2023 have been announced. Among them mCourser – the EdTech Cool Tool in the LMS category.
Less than two weeks left until the start of the international Bett Show. This is the last call to guarantee a meeting with our experts.
Learnetic SA
Educational ePublishing Services & Technologies
- Authoring Tools
- White-label LMS
- eContent Development Services
- Ready-made eContent Packages
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