
Interactive Textbook Samples

Advanced eContent samples for K-12 – try them for free

Try interactive Math, Biology and English sample lessons and discover what kind of K-12 digital materials you can develop in mAuthor.

Must have solutions for K-12 Publishers in 2023

Educational ePublishers’ ‘must have’ solutions for 2023

Check out the trends and “must-have’ tools for ePublishers in 2023. Learn more about market needs and how to satisfy it with new technology-driven, off-the-shelf solutions.


How to choose ready-made educational digital content?

What to look for when choosing ready-made educational digital content? Read tips from experts and check what digital K-12 textbooks look like.

Digital STEM education

Digital STEM education – challenges and solutions

Science, Technology, Engineering, Math – learn how to teach them using modern solutions.

Digital transformation in education

Is transformation successful every time?

Every transformation has a pivotal moment, after which it is simply too late to transform. Learn other experiences.

Digital solutions for educational publishers

Publishers’ economy – 9 reasons why digital solutions are more cost-effective than printed textbooks

Discover nine reasons why digital educational content is cheaper and more effective than traditional textbooks.

Cornelsen Experimenta Authoring Tool

Cornelsen Experimenta with our authoring tool mAuthor

A new educational publisher joined the group of mAuthor users. This authoring tool is becoming one of the most popular solutions for digital publishing!

Accessible educational resources in K-12 publishing - WCAG

Accessible educational resources – what does it mean in face of the European Accessibility Act?

Make your digital K12 materials not only more enjoyable and effective but above all accessible to everyone.


eContent – educational material of the future?

We explain what eContent means in modern education and how it influences teacher-student cooperation.

Education Publishers Forum Learnetic

Learnetic as a new member of the IPA Education Publishers Forum

We are happy to join the top worldwide educational publishers forum to build together smarter generations!